Security video surveillance technology innovation trend. In recent years the digitization, network, intelligenintegration of technology innovation tendency, the video monitoring city is to the third generation - IP monitoring age. Thsecond generation of video monitoring system of the first generation system replacement is revolutionary, buinrecenyears.
continuous return, and will in the long term benefit from the third generation of video monitoring system of higgrowth opportunities.In security video surveillance industry chain only video monitoring equipment business at thetechnical ability and the customer needs to understand and have an edge. Compared to foreign manufacturersdomestvide.
monitoring equipment business is still in process capability and cost etc advantages, in recent years both atabroad market share continuously improve. Security video surveillance products is China's electronicinfoindudevelopment .
recent years the domestic video monitoring industry in high-end field completed a shuffle, industry conceincrease, at present the first team is sea kang wei apparent and dahua shares.